Get Clarity on how to discern what decisions are for you and your family's highest and greatest good
Gain Control of your perception and experiences so you can experience calm in the chaos and heal others with your Light Radius
Build Confidence that you are going along your Divine Path so you can materialize your ideal future reality
In this special program, you get the roadmap and Light Medicine™ Tools to feel Confident, Courageous, and Connected, no matter what gets thrown in your way.
4 Video Modules
Four downloadable Divine Design Training Video Training/Healing Modules. Watch-Learn-Heal methodology!
Light Medicine™ Community
Interact with the Private Light Medicine™ Community on the Circle Platform for support, special events like the Monthly Mini-Healings, & much more!
Forms & Handouts
Assessments and Healing Directives for each Training Module.
Bonus Training Resources
Learn about other ways to support health holistically as well as deleting residual negative or toxic energies whether that be from the environment or pharmaceuticals.
Module 1: Balance Immune Systems
Connect with the autohealing state and learn to assess and rapidly balance your 3 primary physical and non-physical immune systems so you don't have to rely on pills and jabs to "fix" symptoms or prevent illness. Learn how your Light Radius™ can positively impact those closest to you in a positive way, even if you don't do "healing work" on them.
Module 3: Sovereignty Solutions™
Learn how to release low vibrational emotions (even if you've absorbed them from others), beliefs, and even energetic infections, as well as download positive blueprints of joy, love, peace, the Abundance Actualizer and more. Restore your seven boundaries, and balance your awareness so you aren't paying too much attention to the negative.
Module 2: Cell Membrane Magic™
Transform and recalibrate your cellular membrane receptors to reject negative energies and toxins, both natural and unnatural. Learn the TOLPAKAN™ Healing Directives that support the body in clearing pathogenic energies, as well as ones to help reset and reboot the body systems to a higher vibration and well-being.
Module 4: Dynamic Discernment™
Training your innate intuitive wisdom to seek and sense Divine Truth without succumbing to the fear-inducing media, mass consciousness, and peer pressure from family members and friends. Learn two techniques of Divine Discernment so you can decide what energies and information you let into your consciousness and space. Learn about Divine Alignment Scoring™ to assist you in making better decisions.
Learn how to become resilient body, mind, and spirit using a very simple technique that puts you into an "autohealing" state.
Learn the STOIM™ for Masterful Manifesting Technique so you can materialize your ideal future as quickly as possible.
Via the Watch-Learn-Heal Method, you can receive Light Medicine™ healing with the additional benefit of "group coherent" energies - receive healing from Dr. Karen plus the entire group!
Learn to use Divine Muscle Testing™ so you can feel confident you're doing everything possible to be and stay healthy!
Receive a Divine Muscle Testing™ PDF Cheat Sheet so you can easily refer to the instructions at any time!
A PDF Guide of Dr. Karen's favorite health & wellness resources.
Value $1200
$333.00 USD
► 4 Divine Design Training™ Modules
► Module-Specific Handouts & Forms
► Light Medicine™ Community Support
► Additional Resources List
► *Bonus* Quantum Jump™ Training
► *Bonus* Divine Muscle Testing™ Training
Value $1200
$170.00 USD
► 4 Divine Design Training™ Modules
► Module-Specific Handouts & Forms
► Light Medicine™ Community Support
► Additional Resources List
► *Bonus* Quantum Jump™ Training
► *Bonus* Divine Muscle Testing™ Training
Doctor of Light Medicine™ &
Founder of the Academy of Light Medicine™
Dr. Karen Kan is a Doctor of Light Medicine™, a #1 international bestselling author, visionary, and pioneer in the fields of healing, consciousness, and spirituality. Her mission is to empower spiritually-conscious people to harness their intuitive, healing, and manifesting Superpowers so that they can reach their highest vibration and help anchor in a brand new reality of love, joy, peace, and harmony for all. As the Founder of the Academy of Light Medicine™, Dr. Karen teaches students her 3-step TOLPAKAN™ Healing Method (TKH™) which involves Aligning with the Source of Divine Wisdom, Asking quality questions through Divine Muscle Testing™, and Activating high vibrational healing frequencies. She is like Yoda® from Star Wars, training you to be a self-healing Jedi Master®.
Q: How will the healing be done for me and my family through the Watch-Learn-Heal format?
A: Once you purchase this training, you'll be asked to list your household family members on a separate form. Through the Watch-Learn-Heal format, as you enter the healing state taught to you in the program, your radius of light and energy will connect to your family members automatically, and they will receive the healing simultaneously.
Q: Is it guaranteed that I will be immune to the virus?
A: You will learn how to support and balance your immune systems and make your cells energetically resilient. Because of epigenetics, it is possible to produce symptoms of an infection with stress and negative thoughts, so we cannot guarantee you will never have symptoms of an infection because we don't control your thoughts and emotions.
Q: Does this still work even though it isn't live healing?
A: Yes! Thanks to quantum reality, past-present-future, can all be accessed in the NOW. That means that as you watch and learn, your consciousness will tap in to the reality of healing in the NOW, even with pre-recorded trainings!
Q: Is it helpful to re-watch any of the healing/trainings?
A: It is not necessary to review the trainings multiple times, however, some people find that they more easily enter the auto-healing state with guidance and want some practice saying the Healing Directives before doing so comfortably on their own.
Q: Do my family members have to be present as I am watching the training?
A: No, your family members do not need to be present nor do they need to be in the home in order to receive the healing. As long as you have their permission (those over 18) and they are household family members (they live with you), they will receive the healing. Your adult household family members are encouraged to watch the training with you so they can be empowered to heal themselves.
Q: Can I include my grown children who don't live with me anymore?
A: The Divine Design Training is designed for family members living in the same household. Because we are generously including an unlimited number of household family members already, we ask that outside family members purchase their own copy of the healing/training for themselves. If, for example, they have roomates, they can include them (with their permission) in the healing.
Q: Can one of my family members be my pet?
A: Yes you can include your pet in the healing process in this program. Although pets do not generally get the same infections humans and your Light Radius will positively affect them anyway, you are certainly allowed to put them down as household family members for intentional healing.
Q: Do I have to be good at muscle testing in order to benefit?
A: Absolutely not. The Divine Design Training will teach you what to "test" but you do not have to learn Divine Muscle Testing™ in order to benefit greatly from the program. We highly encourage you to do the bonus Divine Muscle Testing™ class in order to heal any blocks to learning this valuable discernment tool.