I Used to be a Shy, Moody Kid..
My parents were first generation Canadian immigrants from Hong Kong. During civil unrest, they moved to Canada with barely any money to survive. Their immigrant friends took them in and my parents worked extremely hard in their jobs as teachers to give their children a valuable education. My mother often complained about how shy, moody and stubborn I was growing up. She was always worried about my success and well-being in the real world, so she encouraged me to be the perfectionist I became and I graduated Magna Cum Laude from medical school.
Then Everything Changed..
After leaving my assistant professor position at UCLA medical school, my husband and I began building our dream home in the Adirondack Mountains of New York because he hated city life. I became the main breadwinner and took a job in a medically underserved town an hour away. The financial and psychological stress took its toll. I woke up one morning and couldn’t move my neck. That was the beginning of the downhill slide in my health that resulted in a diagnoses of fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. As a physician I knew these were “incurable” conditions.
My Life Was Over..
Life as I knew it was over. I couldn’t even lift the laundry basket without bursting into tears from the fatigue and pain. I cried myself to sleep every night. The drugs I took didn’t help and just gave me side effects. With the possibility of losing everything – my house – my marriage – my savings, I became extremely depressed. I was even contemplating suicide, hoping that if I killed myself with stealth that at least my husband would receive life insurance benefits and be able to finish his dream home.
I'll never forget that night…
As I lay there in bed crying quietly as to not awaken my husband, I asked God, “Why me? I don’t deserve this! I’m a good person!” In the midst of the silence I heard in my head, “You have a choice.” That was the end of my unhappy marriage and the beginning of my journey to self-healing.
I had nowhere else to turn..
That Angelic but strangely familiar voice inside my head was calm, loving and compassionate. I had disconnected from anything spiritual because I thought hard science was the way of the world and the way of the future. I didn’t have time for anything “spiritual”. But that night, my sobbing interrupted by this knowing voice, something inside me opened up. Little did I realize that I was finally reconnecting to my Spirit, my Higher Self or my God-Self.
Healing myself..
There were no doctors that I knew of who cured what I had, but after that night, something inside me burst open and I regained my passion to live. I separated from my husband despite the family repercussions in order to do whatever it took to heal myself. Books, teachers, workshops, healers came into my life to teach me the next best step in healing myself. I realized that my talent isn’t that I’m particularly smart, but that I can comprehend new information quickly and integrate together so it makes sense. So new healing information was like pieces of a giant puzzle that I put together.
My childhood “stubbornness” now served me. With tenacity (my positive word for stubbornness), I researched everything I could about healing including nutrition, supplements, acupuncture, energy healing, intuition, and spirituality. Because I wasn’t willing to give up on myself, I healed myself from fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. Not only did I get back to enjoying my hobbies such as figure skating, I actually won nine gold medals since my diagnosis. I attracted my soulmate James who became my medal-winning skating partner and we’ve built a wonderful life together in the Adirondacks.
Everything happens for a reason..
I believe that everything happens for a reason. I also believe that reason is for our highest and greatest good. You couldn’t have convinced me of that when I was exhausted and felt like I was run over by a truck, but looking back at what I had to go through, I wouldn’t change a thing.
Because I suffered, I got to truly understand how my patients suffer. I no longer judged them for being lazy or incompetent. I was neither of those things and even I got sick. I had to get sick in order to develop the compassion to help others. Not phony compassion but real compassion – the kind that makes you want to do whatever it takes to relieve suffering.
Healing = Choice
I believe that healing equals choice. Anytime we have a problem whether it’s physical, emotional or mental, we are not completely free to choose our destiny. If you’re sick, or in pain, what choices do you have to enjoy your life? The Holistic Health Transformation Program is all about empowering you to becoming your own best healer. By Understanding how the Universe works in manifesting what you want (versus what you don’t want), Rebalancing the stress response with the relaxation response (without having to meditate an hour a day), Releasing negative energy from your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies, and Nurturing yourself from the inside out, true healing really does equal Total Choice. And my job is to show you how to achieve it!
So many people are facing seemingly unsurmountable health challenges today and most don’t even know that our current medical system is based on “sick care” not wellness care, so they are oblivious to the corporate and political interests that are geared to keep us sick and dependent on pharmaceutical drugs. Maybe you have chronic pain or even fibromyalgia like I did. Maybe you feel like you’re 80 when you’re actually only 30. Maybe you’re so exhausted that you wish someone would just put you out of your misery and be done with it. With the Holistic Health Transformation Program, you’ll gain valuable skills and tools to release your pain, regain your energy and finally enjoy your life.
Do you need a Bigger Reason?
Do you feel that spending time and money healing yourself is “selfish”? That’s what I used to think, until I realized that I could not fulfill my life purpose of helping and healing others until I figured out how to do it for myself! Do you have children? Aging parents? Friends who could use a boost? When you are happy, centered and healthy, you affect everyone around you in a positive way. But when we’re unhappy, unhealthy and stressed, we “infect” them too.
Why not become a beacon of Light to those around you? By helping yourself you’re helping them too. I used to nag my family all the time about their health, but I was stressed and unhappy. No wonder they never listened to me even though I was the one with a medical degree.
But since committing and focusing on my own healing journey, I’ve seen the greatest positive change in my family despite my lack of “interference” in their lives. It is truly miraculous to witness!